Payments Configuration
Create a PayPal REST API Application
Visit the PayPal Developer Dashboard and click “create app”.
Back in a terminal, you’ll need to add the paypal client id and secret obtained in the above step:
EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit
and populate the file with:
client_id: abc123
secret: xyz987
Create a Product
Open a rails console and create a product:
product = PayPal::Product.create!(name: 'Example product', description: 'example product description')
Create a Plan
In the same rails console session, create a plan:
plan = PayPal::Plan.create!(product_id:, name: 'Example plan', description: 'example plan description')
Configure Webhooks
This application will modify a user’s subscription status when that user cancels a plan on
Only the first webhook is used for verification. See WebhooksController#create
for more details about how incoming webhooks are verified. Notably,
is present.
Using the Rails Console
Using the PayPal Developer Dashboard
Visit the developer dashboard
and click on the application you created earlier. Click “add webhook”. Set the
webhook url to
At the time of this writing (2023-03), only the BILLING.SUBSCRIPTION.CANCELLED
type is used to modify a user’s subscription status in the application.
Use the Webhooks Simulator
The PayPal Webhooks Simulator
allows you to send test events like BILLING.SUBSCRIPTION.CANCELLED
to a
staging or local environment to simulate buyer behaviors on
Using ngrok
for Local Webhook Testing
You can use ngrok
to generate a public webhook url:
ngrok http 3000
# Forwarding -> http://localhost:3000
For convenience, there is a commented out line in
that allows incoming requests from ngrok
# config/environments/development.rb
config.hosts << /[a-z0-9\-]+\.ngrok\.io/
Generate More Webhook Mocks
It might be useful to click around the application UI and see which events are triggered by paypal. Use the following code to write a mock for each received webhook.
"spec/mocks/paypal-webhook-" + params["event_type"] + ".json",